Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday Madness

1. Name one thing you received as a gift on your last birthday.
Other than a nice dinner out with my husband, I can't really remember any 'thing' in particular from last year.

2. What would be the "perfect" birthday gift?
A trip - preferably to the Caribbean with my hubby.

3. Do you look forward to birthdays?
Now that I'm getting older, it gets harder and harder to want to celebrate in the traditional ways. I was born on my father's birthday so every birthday was a shared event. I honestly can't remember a cake that didn't have both our names on it, except my Sweet 16. He passed away last year a couple months before our birthday, so I don't think I'm going to want a typical party anytime soon.

4. On your birthday, do you treat yourself to something special each year?
Not always, but 2006 was a really rough one for me. I gave myself a spa day. Nothing like a massage, scrub and facial to make you feel up to the new year ahead.

5. Do you bother keeping up with your horoscope on a regular basis?
No. I used to, but I read it every so often now.

6. What zodiac sign are you, and do you think you fit the description for that sign?

Optimistic and freedom-loving
Jovial and good-humored
Honest and straightforward
Intellectual and philosophical

On the dark side....
Blindly optimistic and careless
Irresponsible and superficial
Tactless and restless

I don't know how optimistic I am, but the rest of it seems to fit. I think I'm a bit more serious than average, but I think that's because I tend to fall more toward the intellectual side of the sign. I have a true wander lust that my armchair traveler budget can't seem to satisfy. I am blunt to a fault and have a dry sense of humor - I rely too much on sarcasm for effect. Before I met my husband, commitment was a problem in relationships and I never liked being tied down. Responsibility may as well be a four letter word.