1. Do you pay much attention to your body? Do you know when you are doing too much of something, not getting enough of something, etc? How do you know/not know?
My body is pretty good at letting me know things. If I eat too much salt, my feet swell up. If I don't get enough sleep, I have an impossible time staying awake and get really cranky. If I do too much bending/lifting, my back really starts to act up.
2. Have you ever had a health issue that you couldn't solve yourself (other than a sinus infection or something like that)? If so, what steps did you take to resolve it? Did you resolve it? I used to get really bad laryngitis. It would be 2-4 weeks with no voice and it would happen 1-3 times a year. My regular doctor didn't know what to say so he finally sent me to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist. Within a minute she had pinpointed that it was acid reflux irritating my throat. She put me on Prevacid and I haven't had it since.
3. Have you ever had to hop from doctor to doctor to doctor to get a diagnosis? If so, how did you handle it? What are your thoughts about having to hop from doctor to doctor to get a diagnosis? I hate going to the doctor to begin with so getting me to move from doctor to doctor probably isn't in the cards. I go to a practice with 4 doctors and I do see different ones at times. Usually its just a matter of whomever I can get an appointment with, but with certain things I won't go to a particular doctor because I don't like their style of treating me.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
3x Thursday
Posted by FalnAngel7 at 12:14 PM
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